Lactobabe Bath Emollient

Bath Emollient for Dry & Sensitive Skin

Just applying a normal oil, petroleum gel, or common moisturizer doesn’t retain and provide moisture to multiple layers of skin thereby increasing the incidence of the development of an atopic skin condition. Lactobabe Bath emollient’s hydrophilic nature lets it thoroughly dissolve in the water thereby hydrating and sealing the moisture deep inside the skin.
Lactobabe Bath Emollient forms a moisturizing layer over a baby’s developing skin to prevent dryness and early onset of atopic dermatitis and Eczema. Lactobabe Bath emollient traps moisture deep within the skin, bringing back the balance and assisting in developing healthy skin. Bath emollient is necessary preventive care for the enhancement of a defective skin barrier early in life. This Full-body emollient therapy has a protective effect against Atopic dermatitis with a 50% relative risk reduction.
Lactobabe emollient also calms and relaxes the baby when tense due to irritating skin and mental distress.

Method of Use
Lactobabe Bath emollient is used by dissolving it in the baby’s bath water and gently applying it to the baby’s sensitive skin.

Key Ingredients
Olive oil, Light liquid paraffin, Adeps lanae…